
Five reasons to consider using reusable nappies...

jessica morris

Tags Blog post
We would have included a reusable nappy in the Baboo Box, but sadly we couldn't fit one in. That said, we are huge advocates of reusable nappies and here's why. 
Five reasons to consider using reusable nappies...

1️⃣  Each year, nearly 3 billion single-use nappies end up in landfill in the UK (each year enough disposable nappies are thrown away to circle the Globe 90 times) and it takes almost 600 years for a nappy to decompose. This means every disposable nappy ever made is still on the Planet!

2️⃣  Going for reusable nappies can reduce your carbon emissions significantly if you use and wash them efficiently.

3️⃣  Opting for reusables will save you money - they are cheaper than their disposable counterparts. In addition, many local councils in the UK are keen to convert parents to the delights of real nappies to take the pressure off landfill. They give cash back to the parents for using reusable nappies so check with your council if you can claim some money back.

4️⃣  They are cuter than their disposable counterparts - check out all the cute prints @Bunnibearuk

5️⃣  They are soft on your baby's bottom because they are chemical-free
Bunni&Bear is trying to encourage more and more parents to switch to reusable nappies that's why their nappies are very affordable without compromising on quality, go and check them out. 

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